Automatic Gift Card Sales with the MIKAL Gift Card Shopping Cart Option
Imagine having a Gift Card shopping
cart button that you could put anywhere.......
On your web site
On your social media pages
On your Google places
On every email and text you sent out
With your Mikal system you can add the option of Gift Card sales. It is fast and easy to add. Just activate the Mikal option and sign up with the credit card processor. Mikal creates the shopping cart with your logo and information and will place your Buy a GiftCard Now button on every access point your clients have to your business. You can set up the system to only sell electronic cards with email/text delivery or you can add the option to send cards from your salon/spa and add a processing and rush charge fee.
The beauty of this system is that when the client buys the electronic gift card it is registered in your Mikal system, enters the buyer and receiver information into your customer system, automatically does the giftcard sale and deposits the income into your specified bank account. This system requires no work, no data entry, no responding to emails or texts, it is automatic! You keep ALL the money except for an industry standard credit card processing fee. No extra fees, no revenue shares, just money in your account!
Plus - your GiftCard module is independent of your web site, app provider, product company - you are in control of your entire GiftCard business.
One time set up cost of $400 and a $35 per month maintenance support fee from Mikal is your only expense.
Call today and let's get started! 513-528-5100
or 800-448-5420

- Add the link to buying GiftCards to all your autopilot emails that Mikal sends out.
- Use your Mikal campaign system to email to all your present giftcard purchasers that you are now offering the convenience of GiftCards on-line.
- Have different GiftCards items for each Holiday and market the cards with different graphics (Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Back to School.....).
- Create GiftCards as Packages with a set price and specific services or groups of services to theme the card sales around events and Holidays.
- Offer to send a plastic card for an additional handling cost and also have a "rush order" charge for expedited or overnight delivery.
- Tie giftcard purchases into your Points/Loyalty program with Mikal and give the card purchaser a bunch of points to reward the purchase - this also can be done automatically!