Employee Mobile Appointment Book EMBA is all about GOALS
EMBA will show your sales and set a goal with you. Grow your business with EMBA. Just use the simple and elegant SDLW - beat the same day sales last week! ADD the Zeezor style goal setting with same day/month last year goals and more. Present EMBA users only pay the $99 upgrade cost. Save the monthly Zeezor charges $$$.
Imagine being able to book client appointments from anywhere. On your smart/Iphone. With anyone. At any time.
PLUS – now you can add and edit client personal information, update technical cards for color, massage, facials, look at past buying history and future appointments.
When you see a client out and about and they say “I really need to call in and book an appointment” you can now say: “Let me book it right now for you!”
All you have to do is log onto the MIKAL Mobile Appointment Booking app. Select the day, service, and employee and they are booked.
What if you meet a new potential client? You can enter their basic information, find an appointment and book them. Fast, easy, and done! Pick a date. MIKAL knows your schedule.
NEW: enter and update Client personal information, technical cards, see all buying history. Owners see sales and book for all staff and SEE individual and overall business sales figures!
Upgrade for present EMBA users $99 with NO change in monthly service fee. WOW (requires 7.1 Mikal vsn upgrade $79)
New EMBA users $300 set up and $22-$99/mo maintenance
Call for details 513-528-5100
Works with MIKAL On-Line Booking – Get with the Program. Call MIKAL 513-528-5100 Mobile now makes sense! sales@mikal.com www.mikal.com
* Zeezor was a software service provider and Mikal partner. After being purchased they discontinued the relationship.
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