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Get those clients back in NOW!


Do you have the tools in place to not just reopen your business but to resume and grow your business

in this challenging new business environment?


Okay – so we have reopened. The rush of clients was amazing but now the client flow has slowed. Salons seem to have a clientele divided into three segments. The Stalwarts are the clients that are getting services just like always – the ones that could not wait to get back to the (new) normal. The Skepticals are the clients who are coming in with concerns, limiting their time at the salon, and are reluctant to reschedule when leaving. The Resistants are the group that have just not felt comfortable enough to come back yet.


It is rough enough that our hours and staffing are limited. So we have split shifts, expanded hours, done price increases or service charges and other strategies to keep the doors open. These strategies have helped but more has to be done to really resume your business and start to grow your business again. We need to engage the Skeptical and Resistant clients to create visits and increase sales.


Here are the strategies Mikal Software salons are using to resume business and grow their businesses.


The Skeptical clients need to get back on schedule with you. Mikal salons and spas use the JITA program, Just In Time Appointments, to entice the clients back in with those last minute opportunities. In this new environment cancellations are up. This is a problem and an opportunity. JITA automatically looks at your book every day and sends out email and text messages to clients about those last minute opportunities. Don’t think this is like a post on Face Book or a Tweet that is lost in seconds on your client’s timeline. JITA sends the message directly to your clients offering services and does not bother your clients that have been to you in the last 30 days or have a future appointment booked. JITA is direct and smart about offering the opportunities for you to grow your book.


Skeptical clients also need a reminder to rebook because many of them do not book before leaving your salon or spa. Mikal has an Autopilot e-marketing program that sends out the reminders automatically. If the skeptical client is a retail buyer they also get their retail reminders. Skeptical clients also need a reward for coming in. Mikal has a loyalty rewards program that lets you direct the rewards to the areas you are trying to grow. How about double points Mondays, or points for rebooking, or points for referring that new client? Mikal’s software tracks and rewards the clients automatically.


The Resistant clients need information, marketing, and strong follow up. Getting the Resistants back in is the real challenge. Mikal software is up to the task. Implement the Mikal Contact Free check in system with a touch screen at the door to alert the desk and their service provider they have arrived. Use our EMBA, Employee Mobile Booking App, to book the client at the chair or in the room after their service so time at the desk for check out is minimal. Go paperless with client records on tablets or phones to keep the paper handling to a minimum. Plus of course do all the cleaning, masking, and other strategies to create the safe environment the Resistant clients are looking for.


Now for the marketing to the Resistant clients. Use the Mikal system to automatically send emails and texts describing these procedures you have in place. Send them regularly to build the case for your Resistant clients that it is time to come back. Mikal has a five step program to build this case and create the trust needed to turn your Resistants to Skepticals and then to Stalwarts!


Fred Dengler CEO

Mikal Salon and Spa Software    800-448-5420


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