Beauty Bowl Party - "throw" it together for some xtra $$$$
Are you taking advantage of the opportunity to service clients who are not Football fans and don't give a hoot about the Super Bowl? Also the clients who are fans and want to spend Sunday afternoon getting their game face and game hair on for the BIG Super Bowl game? Don't "fumble" around with this great idea!
The Super Bowl #52 is on Sunday February 4, 2018.
Have a Super Bowl Sunday BEAUTY BOWL at your salon.
-Do an e-mail blast, tweet, and facebook post telling your clients that you will be open for a pre-game beauty bowl at your salon/spa.
-Offer retail specials, do football nail art, have a make-up contest for the best game face, have a jersey or costume contest, and have hair service deals good Super Bowl Sunday only.
- It is the 52nd Super Bowl so are there any 52% off deals you can do for the Beauty Bowl? Are there any $52 service or Giftcard deals you can offer?
-Have the staff dress for game day.
-Go to the Dollar Tree Store and buy the paper plates, napkins, football shaped dishes etc.. for your pre-game treats. Order your items from Oriental Trading on-line for great prices. Be sure to blast out the treats you will be serving. Have a "bring your own snack for a 20% discount on retail deal" and the clients will help provide the treats!
-Bring in a few flat screens and have the pregame on. Run the past games from YouTube videos.
-Start the pregame Beauty Bowl Sunday at 11am or noon and wrap up by 5pm so everyone can be home for the game. Or just keep your party going! How about starting the party on Saturday before the game for more fun and coverage!
Turn a non-income day or a day you are closed into a MONEY MAKER!
But you have to start the "ball rolling" today.
- E-mail blasts every day this week
- Sign at the front desk and at the stations
- Decorate asap
- Tweet and post everyday to facebook
- Have the staff also use their social media
Tell us how your Beauty Bowl goes!
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