Camp MIKAL 2017 Sept. 23-25 Cincinnati Airport Marriott Hotel and Conference Center
Are you ready to make an extra $69,750.00 from what you will learn at Camp MIKAL this September? Maybe you are satisfied with your sales and growth this year. If you are then Camp MIKAL may not be for you (except to fine tune systems and procedures).
But if you would like to find out how other salons and spas are using their MIKAL system to make some serious money this is the year to come to Camp!
A few examples:
Are you using the autopilot automatic unattended e-marketing system to send thank you, reminder, appointment confirms, and birthday e-mails every week? If MIKAL could get just 3 more clients in a week for a $40 service with this easy to set up and self running system you would make an extra $6000 this year.
Are you using the pop-up upsell system in the appointment book? If you could do one up-sell or add on a day at $15 you would make an extra $3750 this year.
Are you doing Just In Time appointment e-mail blasts to fill cancellations in the book? If you did this and filled one cancelled appointment a day you would make an extra $10,000 this year.
Do you use the Daily Activity Report to meet with your best clients each day to present them with a Friend of a friend gift certificate package? If your top 100 clients could get 100 best friends to become regulars spending an average of $500 a year you would make an extra $50,000 this year.
Just these ideas would generate an extra 69,7500.00 this year.
Plus there is more………………
Plus at Camp MIKAL you will also learn how to
- Organize and systematize for Inventory control savings
- More effective goal setting for increased sales and performance
- More efficient front desk procedures for better client service
- Marketing ideas from the other MIKAL users
And much more!
All this over $69,750.00 in money making ideas, better control and efficiency, and all for less than $300 for 3 days with meals and workbooks!
So are you ready to sign up?
Call MIKAL and get the date booked! 513-528-5100
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