MIKAL 7.1 lets clients communicate back to your salon/spa their APPOINTMENT CONFIRMATION. When clients receive the appointment reminder from MIKAL, the system offers a link for the client to confirm the appointment. This confirmation is registered in the confirmation field of the appointment. Plus Mikal 7.1 confirms the confirmation back to the client.
Now it is easy to call only the clients who have not electronically confirmed the appointment. Save tons of time and have a more interactive system with 7.1.
Dramatically reduce no show and missed appointments.
Clients can now OPT-OUT of your emarketing automatically by clicking an opt out link in 7.1. MIKAL also sends an opt out confirmation back to the client. Save time dealing with clients emails requesting opt outs and have a more effective marketing program that is directed at clients who want and look forward to your specials and notifications.
Mikal 7.1 allows you to keep Client CREDIT CARDS on file. You can now offer the convenience of credit cards on file knowing they are secure and you are in compliance with all credit card information rules. Keep multiple client credit cards. Name or nickname the cards. Process the cards at point of sale as easy as a paytype. Fast and easy with no extra work. A great service to offer your busy clients. This feature is available with Charge It Pro/Gravity Payments and is coming soon for X-Charge customers. You must use one of these processors to take advantage of this option.
More updates with version 7 and 7.1
On-line booking now has a Guest booking option allowing clients to look at availability without going through the sign in process. On-line booking also allows a flat appointment hold charge or the charge for the actual service to be required with a credit card payment at time of booking. On-line booking has a greatly expanded Service Description area for all services. Cut down on no show clients with credit card billing at time of booking!
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